Red Bus Nursery
Offering the British Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
Parent Information!
(Taken from the Red Bus Nursery Parent Handbook)
Below is a brief overview of the 'Important bits' for Parents. For further information, please refer to the Red Bus Nursery Parent Handbook, available on request or on registration.
Please remember, at Red Bus Nursery, we pride ourselves on being as paperless and eco-friendly as we can. To inform parents of events, daily activities and important notices, we use class blogs. Blog addresses will be shared with you on registration and you will be asked to complete an Internet Permission document, to confirm that you give permission for us to use your child’s photo on our blogs. The blogs are used primarily to inform parents of what the children have been doing in nursery. They are set up so that they have safety restrictions and cannot be searched for using Google or another search engine.
We really do hope that you support us in this method of communication, and save your child’s class blog page to your devices to keep updated with the happenings at Red Bus Nursery, from the touch of a button or screen!

Getting your child ready for nursery
We know that when children arrive for the first time at a new nursery it can be very un-settling for both the child and parents. For this reason we choose to first have a one-on-one meeting with parents to discuss the child and their development and interests. We use ‘staggered entry’, meaning that we will introduce the children to the nursery in small groups, for approximately an hour, allowing them to explore their new classroom and meet their teacher, with the aim of reducing distress to both child and parents.

Snacks and meals
We ask parents to provide children with healthy-choice meals and snacks. There are certain foods we do not allow in our nursery. Our nursery is a NUT FREE ZONE, and we ask parents not to bring in any food that contains nuts (or traces of), to avoid allergic reactions in children who do have allergies.
Other foods we ask you not to bring to nursery include:
Foods high in sugar
Fizzy drinks
Food or drinks with caffeine
We promote healthy eating in our nursery and will be teaching children about how to eat healthily and how to look after ourselves, e.g. brushing teeth.
Children should bring a bottle of water with them to nursery with their name on. Water will be freely accessible throughout the day.
Parents of younger children must be aware that we do not provide formula milk. Parents should bring the child’s formula to nursery in their bag.

What to pack
Your child should come to nursery with the following items (please remember to label them with your child's name):
Water bottle
Appropriate meals and snacks
Spare change of clothes
Spare change of underwear (if potty training/trained)
Sun cream
Sun Hat
Nappies (if appropriate)
Wipes (if appropriate)
Nappy cream (if appropriate)

We do provide an optional nursery polo shirt for children aged 2 and up, at an additional charge of 50 AED per polo shirt or 120 AED for three. We choose not to make this a compulsory aspect to our nursery, as we believe parents should have a choice whether to send their child to nursery with or without a uniform.